Richard Youngs Quotes
Richard Youngs Quotes
When I was six or seven my Dad went to Australia to work for a couple of months. I found myself elbowing the bass notes of the piano and chanting, "Australia, my Daddy's going there". I couldn't help myself - it was how I responded. That was probably my first song or piece or whatever. From then I just found myself drawn to music. It grips me. If I don't make music I don't feel right.
Richard Youngs
My Dad's into early recorder music, among other things. That'd include a lot of folk melodies. I heard this before experimental music. At junior school we sang songs like the Boar's Head Carol, which is very traditional. But, I'm not sure how deep these went with me at the time. Perhaps it was a subtle subconscious thing that took years to resurface!
Richard Youngs
I've always tried to avoid recording studios - the atmosphere is way nicer elsewhere, and way cheaper! Performing live to DAT, minidisc or analogue tape, and not overdubbing unless absolutely necessary, I believe, gives a better feel. Not even allowing for a remix puts you on the spot and, maybe, you get better performances.
Richard Youngs