David Usher Quotes
David Usher Quotes
David Usher. I'm sometimes nicknamed Hollywood by the band because I like to play a lot [Eh? Ed.]
We played a show in New York in front of the entire Chrysalis records label. After a few tequilas I dragged our product manager around by his hair. I was trying to force tequila down his throat while six people tried to drag me off him.
was once short of money to take out this girl I was seeing, so I took part in a university experiment. I had a rubber ring put around my dick and sat in a room watching porn movies over and over while a machine measured my arousal! It was my worst and best job!
We were playing at (London's) The Garage and I took a flying leap off the drum riser and onto Mark's back, and we both toppled into the crowd. His guitar landed on someone's face, and as we were pulled back onstage a huge clump of hair came with it!
I'm just glad they're their. (Interrogator remarks that Moist are popular with the ladies and the crowd at the Garage was nearly 50% female) that may be so, but I find the girls come to the front at the beginning of the show, then three songs in get kicked out of the way by the guys, and that's the way it's supposed to be.