Zoegirl Quotes : Mfyi.com
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Browse Artists:  # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Zoegirl Quotes
"If we were remembered for anything else it wouldn't seem like we had fulfilled what we know God has called us to do."

Well, this past spring we headlined our first tour, called "The Free Experience", which was based around the album, and we had a wonderful time doing that. We've had a bit of a light summer. Chrissy got married in May so we took a little bit of time so she could be a newlywed. And now we're actually in the studio working on the next album.

That is probably one of the most trying things about doing this, and touring and traveling. Because, as you said, being away from the churches, honestly, is what wears on us the most. We were talking about this the other day in fact, and how it just wears on you to bed away from your home church because you're not around that body of believers, getting filled every single Sunday. We just recognize that we know that this is going to make it difficult for us. So we do everything we can to be supportive to each other. We stay in the Word together, pray together and keep each other accountable. Of course, you're still in contact with family members by phone, so that helps as well. But it is one of the most difficult things, to be away from that.

Every once in a while it will work out perfectly where we're doing a concert at a church at night, and we can attend the service that day. On a couple of occasions I've even gone online to try and catch a church service for a church we know of out in California. But alot of times, we're in transit all day on Sundays. So we do whatever we can.

From the very beginning, we didn't know each other. We really believe that God orchestrated this group and brought us together. There's so many amazing things that happened in the three of us coming together. We come from different places (to the audition) and there were all of these random occurences that only God could have been behind. So when we came together we just sat down and said "OK, we need to have a vision. We need to have a goal and know what we're about, otherwise, there's no point in it". And so we decided that first and foremost, ministry is our goal...bringing people to Jesus. We view ourselves as a springboard, as far as when we go into churches, do concerts and share the message of Him. Anytime we can, we give invitations because that is the most important thing to us. Secondly we address issues and try to focus on that. The entertainment factor does factor in in that kids are so used to having the show and the lights and the energy. That's something that draws them in. We try to have a good balance between getting their attention so we can, in turn, point them towards God. When we have time, we'll even talk about worship. There will be times when the kids are really reaching towards us, wanting to touch our hands or something. That's when we can talk about how God wants that affection directed toward Him, not towards us. We just do everything we can to point people to God and have fun with it as well, while being good musicians. We work hard at the craft to be good musician's but first and foremost, it's definitely the ministry for us.

We have a live band - they're really great! We have a brand new band. It's three guys that we've never actually worked with before, so that's kind of fun. We're having a great time with them. Our live show is really energetic, but it's really important to present the Gospel in a very clear and concise way. So we do that. We try to just let God use us however He wants to and invite His presence to really change peoples lives while we sing.

Well, yeah - particularly with the song 'Scream'. It deals with pain and just the self-destructive things that we can do to ourselves when we're in pain. One thing that we've come across so much in the last few years is meeting precious young people that love God with all their hearts, but they're just in so much pain and whether it's because of things going on at home, or abuse, or just getting their hearts broken - just the world that they live in - they're just in so much pain. I know that for me, I was able to really tap into my own experience and that I've dealt with depression a lot in my own life. I wrote 'Scream' on a day that I was really depressed. I was having an awful day. Instead of turning self-destructive or whatever, I just put it into a song - what I was feeling. It was an amazing experience because half way through writing the song, I really felt like God reached down and just ...really touched me - and kind of gave me a shot of hope to really step towards healing in my own life. That was about a year ago, and I really feel like a different person and a lot of it has to do with that song really ministering to me. So, I never thought it would be on the ZOEgirl album, or anything like that but the girls got behind it, and the label got behind it. So, we're really praying that it will minister to people much in the same way. It kind of talks a lot about ...just pain, but hints at and touches on sexual abuse and the issue of self mutilation and cutting. Particularly with cutting, we've met so many young people that are doing that. We just learned the other day that 3 million teenagers in America cut themselves. According to teenhopeline.com, which is closely tied in with Dawson McAllister ministries, they believe that number is closer to 8 million. So it's something that really needs to be talked about, especially within the church. That's something that we've really been passionate about on this album.

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Browse Artists By Letter
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
