While studying as a flute major, I took a class in Composition with Experimental Media. It changed my musical perception and stimulated my creativity through offering new sounds and processes of work, and a great amount of freedom: any way we could use these sounds was valid. Because anything was valid, it stimulated new ideas. The more we experimented, the more new ideas we had. After experimenting with these new processes and electronics, I felt a need to continue expanding my range, into different areas of sound exploration and experimentation.
Bonnie McNairn
I wanted the music that I made to be different from what I heard around, there was already enough of that. In high school I found John Cage and other composers and thought there should be more weird music in the world. So I began making recordings with a jam box and any strange sound I could find. Voice of Eye began when Bonnie and I split from Esoterica Landscapes 7, our former band. EL7 was about noisy extremes in sound, emotion and life. We felt that wed taken it as far as it could go at the time, and we wanted to do more controlled/purposeful music after all that noise.
Jim Wilson
Voice of Eye is getting more recognition as more of our music gets around. Its been steadily growing all over, although the Asian market is a tough nut to crack. Ahh!! but of course wed like a bigger audience.
Jim Wilson
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