Virgin Steele Quotes :
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Virgin Steele Quotes

Virgin Steele Quotes

Yeah so the Life Among The Ruins album was kind like a throw back to the earlier influences, like the Zeppelin kind of things, and what we did in the beginning Edward and I when we were first jamming together before Virgin Steele was formed. 
David Defeis

I think we definitely achieved something of a high calliper, a high magnitude, hopefully I can go further. I have other ideas and things I want to do, and I wouldn't like to think that that was the summit of my powers you know. 
David Defeis

Yeah basically Virgin Steele is me, it's Edward, it has been Frank Gilchriest for a number of years now, Frank Zummo is like auxiliary expanded family member, sometimes he will play on a track here and there because we all think very highly of him, including Frank Gilchrist, so no ego involved, everything is totally cool. And Joshua Block who played bass on tour with us for the winter tour we did with for The House Of Atreus appeared on guitar and bass on some tracks of The Book Of Burning. 
David Defeis

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