Thousand Foot Krutch Quotes
Thousand Foot Krutch Quotes
There are a lot of great labels and a lot of great people at other labels as well. [And those] sometimes may be a little bit more structured. It seems like certain people might not be able to take some of the risks that they [Tooth and Nail] have; kind of go out on a limb and be like, "We're just going to do it because we feel we're supposed to do it, not always because we know it's going to work."
I think we have a little added appreciation for the Canadian fans, maybe because there's a lot of Canadians that want a Canadian band that seems to tour a lot more in the U.S. that are like, "Whatever. You guys don't care about us.
There's a lot about this industry that a lot of people don't know about and don't find out about. There are a lot of tough things and trials and stuff that you're faced with. Sometimes, God has other plans for people. Sometimes bands can't stick through it. It depends on the situation.