Thin Lizzy Quotes
Thin Lizzy Quotes
"Whiskey" is a very old Irish folk song. Thin Lizzy was rehearsing in a pub in London one day and we were trying to work on new songs but nothing much was happening so we took a break Philip picked up a 6-string guitar and started singing folk songs just for a laugh. After about 5 minutes he started singing "Whiskey in the Jar" and I started playing guitar with him and Brian started playing drums. This lasted for a few minutes and one of our managers, Ted Carroll, came into the room. He had been out looking for a new amp for me. We all stopped playing and looked at the amp. Ted asked us what the song was that we were playing. He had heard it ,as he was coming up the stairs to see us. We told him we were just messing about but Ted seemed to thing it might be a hit record. We were talked into recording it and it did become a very big hit.
Eric Bell
I met Philip and Brian at a club in Dublin called The Countdown Club. I had just left an Irish show band and was looking for musicians to form a group. They were playing that night in a group called Orphanage. When they took a break I spoke to Philip and we ended up saying we would have a blow together to see how it sounded. At that point we had a keyboard player as well called Eric Wrixon. We had our first rehearsal and it was very rough but had a great feel. A few months later, we started drawing big crowds at our gigs and we then knew there was something going on.
Eric Bell