That Dog. Quotes :
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That Dog. Quotes

That Dog. Quotes

I love them all. Producing, I love, but I get a little bit impatient. I like to record really fast and get the vibe, and you’ve got to be in tune enough to get through it. With recording, I love, love, love making records. I hate, hate, hate mixing. You wanna see my cry? Go to one of our mixing sessions. As far as performing goes, I love it but it’s so stressful: What if I get sick and can’t sing? What if I can’t carry my shit? What if my strings break? All that stuff is not a big deal, except in the moment it’s like, “aaahhh!” The label stuff I love, it’s just that I no longer have any kind of social life and we haven’t made any money yet.
Anna Waronker

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