Terry Scott Taylor Quotes
Terry Scott Taylor Quotes
I will tell you this. I really have gotten past all the anger, and the bitterness, a long time ago. I really did get past it, and we just wanted to go on with our lives. We wanted to put it behind us. We figured it was a bad episode , not good for anybody, but let's move on. We've got new paths to go down, new records to do. We still have our friends, we still have our families, let's put it behind us and forget it. That's all I ever really wanted to do. I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't want to put Larry down, or try to build myself up, or rationalize, because I knew that that was futile. We had spent so much time trying to put our point across, and whether that was sabotaged or whatever, is for somebody else to know.
Terry Scott Taylor
Realistically, we are in the contemporary Christian music business, we play to that crowd. And we haven't landed a secular deal. We don't have that approach or mind set.
Terry Scott Taylor