Straylight Run Quotes
Straylight Run Quotes
When Michelle started playing with us we just knew immediately that it would work. It added a whole new dimension to our band, it was really amazing.
I have no idea what lyrical content you are deeming to be
mysoginystic. There is not even one line on our record that expresses the slightest bit of hatred towards women. And why would leaving TBS inspire mysoginystic lyrics? If anything, I wanted to get away from being a part of writing the kind of songs that TBS wrote that were all about being angry at girls.
I do feel more in control now. I'm older than I was when we started
TBS, and I know a lot more about the music business and what I'd like to accomplish in it. You start out as a young band and you don't know anything, and worst of all, you don't know who you can trust. The most important thing I've learned is how to know who you should and shouldn't trust.
I don't really think about what I want people to experience when they
listen to our music. I suppose that overall I just want people to get
something, anything really, out of it.