Stone Temple Pilots Quotes :
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Stone Temple Pilots Quotes

Stone Temple Pilots Quotes

We have so much respect for each other. As musicians, and brothers, and friends. It was a very prosperous tour, emotionally. It really rekindled the brotherhood again. In that sense, it made it very easy for us to get together and make this record.
Eric Kretz

Yeah, we're proud as shit of it. Here's a band that's been together for 12 years, doing what they do best. And doing it at the right time.
Eric Kretz

The thing that really epitomizes this record for me is the fact that we finally got the opportunity to be open to each other's ideas, thoughts, and emotions. That really meant a lot to me.
Robert DeLeo

The special thing about making the record was that before anyone else got there, we had six weeks to allow ourselves to put these songs together. We had Scott's engineer, Doug Grean, and it was the first time we've actually worked with ProTools. That allowed us to really put the blueprint down for the record.
Robert DeLeo

There's a lot of songs that have been kicking around for a long time. "Hollywood Bitch," that's been around since the "PURPLE" sessions. There was also a very bastardized version of "Hello It's Late" that sounded nothing like it does now.
Dean DeLeo

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