Spawn of Possession Quotes
Spawn of Possession Quotes
Bryssling came up with it a long time ago. I guess he just felt it had a brutal edge to it so when we started this band we knew it would be called Spawn of Possession! I think it's a cool name because its meaning is not so obvious!
Dennis Rondum
I got together with Bryssling (Guitar) and some other freaks back in 93/94 through a common interest, to play brutal death metal! In 96 we had established a great line-up (after various member fuck-ups) and we had this band HEDEON going which was pretty melodic but still extreme with blast beats and all that! At the same time myself and Bryssling did this thing called SPAWN OF POSSESSION on the side just to play some ultra brutality from time to time! The problem was that none of the other guys was interested in playing that kind of brutality and we kind of got tired of the progress HEDEON seemed to have which was getting more simple, slow and melodic. In other words boring! So what happened was that the other guys left in Feb 97 and Bryssling and I picked up Karlsson (Guitar) who at that time didn't have a band but was a totally insane guitar player! Together the three of us got serious with SPAWN OF POSSESSION! We rehearsed hard and devoted for three years and in 2000 we recorded our first 3 track CDemo THE FORBIDDEN! It had a great response in the underground but unfortunately it didn't get us record deal which at that time was our main priority! We did some shows and hooked up with Dewerud (Bass) to have him join our camp! In 2001 the four of us recorded the second CDemo CHURCH OF DEVIANCE and after some negotiating we got our self's a killer deal with UNIQUE LEADER RECORDS for a full-length album, namely CABINET!
Dennis Rondum