Smile Empty Soul Quotes
Smile Empty Soul Quotes
It's our first record and our name (Smile Empty Soul) is already a mouthful. So we just decided it's the easiest way to put out a record. So it's not like there was a ton of thought behind it really.
Ryan Martin (about self-titled album)
I would love to play with The Beatles. I mean it's probably, ah man it's The Beatles and all of us kinda grew up listening to them. I know for me it's definitely them. Good stuff. I didn't like them when I was really young then someone gave me Magical Mystery Tour and I was singing "Blue Jay Way" for days.
Ryan Martin
The way I see it if the Beatles dropped a record today it would be a hit because their songs are that good.
Ryan Martin
If you want to join our street team go to our website at and click on where it says street team and they'll send stuff to your house and you can put up stickers.
Ryan Martin