Sixtoo Quotes
Sixtoo Quotes
I work on a lot of music, and not very many labels could keep up with the amount of volume that I produce, so I think its good to have a very avenues for me to release music. That being said, my dealings with Ninja have been very easy, I'm sure there will be a long standing relationship with them, even if I do projects for other labels...
I was born in Toronto, and lived there until I was 17, at which point I moved to the technically I'm a big city kid, that moved to a smaller one, and then back to bigger ones. Halifax is that smaller city, the arts and music community there thrives, unfortunately you can only grow so much before you start feeling like big man on campus, or the spearhead of a rumor mill.... I like living in bigger cities... you can be anonymous if you want; It keeps you hungry and humble. It does affect my writing, but how, I'm not too sure. It's certainly more personal, which is why there is less and less vocal material making it to the light of day.
I think people are just looking for a way to put out their music that makes sense to them. I would much prefer to be doing honest business with someone on some DIY thing than to do stuff with a major, and get lost in the shuffle because I don't make them enough cash to be a concern. Since the mid 90's I have in some way or another been at odds with major label music, even though majors have produced lots of amazing records since then. Making music has nothing to do with selling music. I would prefer to have my music sold by someone who understands what it is before they exploit it. That's all.