Shining Quotes
Shining Quotes
It's actually all a coincidence that Shining was founded. In 1999, I was admitted into the Norwegian State Academy of Music in Oslo. I was new in town, and needed a band to play with. Since I grew up with playing in rock and fusion bands in my hometown (one of them together with Even Ormestad, the bass player in Jaga), I was used to bands wanting to write their own music.
Jorgen Munkeby
Norway is such a small country that everyone who works in the same business knows each other. This is especially true for musicians in Norway, because we're not many, and we tend to live in cities, which are few and far between. Because Oslo is so small, and everyone knows everyone, musicians from all different backgrounds and styles play together and help each other out. I think this is one of the reasons why Oslo has had such a fertile (and sometimes schizophrenic) crossover scene.
Jorgen Munkeby