Serial Joe Tour Dates
Serial Joe Tour Dates
Wednesday, May 22 Glace Bay, NS Savoy Theatre
Thursday, May 23 Elmsdale, PEI West Isle Composite High School
Friday, May 24 Antigonish, NS Dr.John Hugh Gillis Regional High School
Friday, June 28 Markham, Ontario Markham Theatre - On The Rise - Stars of Tomorrow
Friday, October 20th, 00 Sudbury The Grand
Saturday, October 21st, 00 North Bay The Wall
Tuesday, November 28th, 00 Trenton, NS Trenton High School
Wednesday, November 29th, 00 Glace Bay, N.S. Savoy Theatre
Thursday, November 30th, 00 Halifax Venue TBA
Friday, December 1st, 00 Charlottetown Confederation centre of the arts
Saturday, December 2nd, 00 Saint-John Saint-John High Auditorium