Sara Storer Quotes
Sara Storer Quotes
"I had to leave to follow my music career but I love writing about it. I still go back and turn into this other person. I just love going back. This song could be about a fellow but it's more about my love for the territory and its lifestyle and its people and everything about it.
Sara Storer
"We were talking about suicide among Australian farmers. We were talking about the bigger picture - the connection between the farmers and the land. It's much more than people think. We were talking about the rate of suicide and how extreme it's getting. It's not getting better - it's getting worse. This is a really delicate thing. I thought of the passion and the need to write about it. It's a very personal thing - it effects every farmer. They all know a friend or a neighbour who has to deal with it in their family. I didn't want to be too scared to write about it. I think it needs to be talked about."
Sara Storer