RinneRadio Quotes
RinneRadio Quotes
When I was a teenager, it just happened. I had been playing saxophone in school bands and also studying clarinet at concervatoire. So, it was a natural decision. Sometimes, I think, it might be cooler to be a singer, but on the other hand, I love instrumental music.
Tapani Rinne
Everything that surrounds me. For me, music is allways political and music reflects itīs time. There is much power in music, especially in instrumental music. And every listener sees and feels it in his own way.
Tapani Rinne
Dance and Visions. Techno Jazz. Instrumental music, you can dance to it, you can listen to it.
Tapani Rinne (describing their music)
Making a new album, playing new material live. This normal thing. But itīs interesting and it keeps me going.
Tapani Rinne