Pandit Pran Nath Quotes
Pandit Pran Nath Quotes
"Pran Nath's voice is one of a kind; no singer finds more kinds of expression in the smallest spaces between notes. And few improvising musicians I know can equal the sheer brilliance of his invention I imagine it must have been like that hearing Bach improvise at the organ. An astonishing pair of ragas was recorded a few years ago by Gramavision and remains available on cassette."
Mark Swed, 7 DAYS October 1989
"Pandit Pran Nath is a profound inspiration to all musicians, for his extraordinary musical gifts and his utter, selfless dedication to the evolution of the soul through music."
Robert Pace, EAR MAGAZINE Dec '87/Jan '88
"Pandit Pran Nath, whose name means 'master of breath,' plays a Stradivarius of v*oices; it is sometimes difficult to believe he is "merely" singing. Rich, resonant, vibratoless tones seem to emerge from his head, his chest, his fingers, as he sits and sways slightly from side to side, describing in the air with fluid hand and arm movements the musical shapes he is sculpting from the drone of his accompanying tambouras. To put it another way, he doesn't 'hit' notes, he materializes them. He gives the impression that he is working with solids rather than the most evanescent of mediums."
Robert Palmer, THE REAL PAPER, Boston
"Mr. Pran Nath has become the principal musical guru to a growing number of young American composers."
"Pandit Pran Nath has given much of his later life to America and Europe and has influenced many of our younger composers."
Bernard Holland, THE NEW YORK TIMES