Out of the Grey Quotes
Out of the Grey Quotes
'I love the idea that the Advent season is a journey to the cradle of the Christ, 'The Gloria record is filled with themes of anticipation, excitement, awe and longing.'
Scott Dente
“I’m probably being biased, but the performances are one of my favorite parts of the show, “The intimate setting for the show helps artists connect with the studio audience and viewers. It’s truly an experience to remember. That’s our goal for the show. To give our viewers something to remember and act on.”
Scott Dente
“There’s a perception that Christian artists and other leaders in the faith don’t face the same challenges as everyone else, We want Faith Café to be a vehicle for our guests to talk about real life – whether it’s an issue they are currently dealing with or how they’re reaching out to help others in need. We discuss life’s challenges, but the twist is to show how we can use our faith to wrestle with them.”
Scott Dente