Orphaned Land Quotes
Orphaned Land Quotes
We’re coming from the Middle East. We’re different. People are used to bands from the USA, from Scandinavia, Europe. We’re different. We’re coming from the Middle East. We’re coming from this place. People here are wearing khaffiyehs. I used to grow in Jaffa, which is kind of a mixture of Christians, Moslems and Jews. Lots of Arabs live there and I used to see them with their khaffiyehs. You’re even coming into my home and I’m wearing jababiyeh.
Kobi Farhi
I’m not trying to justify what the Jewish people do to the Palestinians and I’m not trying to justify the fight of the Palestinians and Jews. I think it’s a very big circle of confusion so I am not getting myself involved. I’m just coming to reflect everything altogether. All religions.
Kobi Farhi