Old 97's Quotes
Old 97's Quotes
"Seeing that the 97's are a democracy through and through, inevitably, some of these tons of songs I write will get vetoed. The first time that happened (and every time thereafter), I consoled myself with the thought that sooner or later I'd make a solo record,"
Rhett Miller
"I have tons of old school 97 fans tell me how they heartily approve of The Instigator,"
Rhett Miller
�Bands break up for all kinds of reasons, We were like, �We don�t want to break up, so let�s just take time off.�
Philip Peeples
�That�s always been one of our trademarks, playing country-style music although we don�t look or act and we�re not very country. The songs have witty lyrics and they�re pretty catchy. That�s been our blessing and our curse. It�s made us unique, but it made the major-labels go, �How the hell do you market this?��
Philip Peeples