Obituary Quotes
Obituary Quotes
“The only thing that mattered is to have songs from every album of the band. We have already chosen the songs, but I don’t want to tell, because there would be complaints and that’s not what I want to hear now. By the way we’ll put 13 or 16 songs on the record. I let everybody choose his favorite, with his feelings, without setting rules.”
James Murphy
“It won’t be just copies of songs everybody knows, they will be brand new versions. I didn’t mean to blueprint what Chuck already did, it’d be meaningless: it was a tribute to his music, I let everyone do their best their way. Richard Christy, for example, played with him, but he recorded on four songs prior to ‘The Sound Of Perseverance’, to get his personal performance.”
James Murphy
“As far as it concerns me, I have only good things to say about the Schuldiner family, they don’t deserve any of the bad things that were thrown on them. Chuck’s mom and sister know better than anyone else what his last desires and wills were. The same about the Control Denied album Chuck was working on: the other bandmates don’t know either what he had in mind. I can’t tell you how it’s going to end with Control Denied, but I like what his family is doing. We have a good relationship.”
James Murphy