Marillion Quotes
Marillion Quotes
No one else in the band has expressed a desire to write words, so far. They're welcome to have a go. Mark K contributed that line "You're only happy when you wind me up" to Quartz, which is a good line. No one else has shown up at the studio with an entire lyric idea, yet. Obviously, I'm happy to sing someone else's words if they move me in some way - hence the covers at the h gigs. I'm quite choosy though.
Steve Hogarth
To be honest I don't think we could come to Holland for a £12 price. Maybe it's an exchange-rate thing. (Unfortunately it isn't --BJ) All our tour costs are paid by us in pounds sterling. We do earn more money for gigs than we used to. In the past (Brave Tour is a good example) we toured for several months and everyone except the band got paid (manager, agent, crew, trucking, bussing, promoters, dry cleaners, cooks, all received thousands of pounds. Me, Steve, Mark Pete and Ian got nothing.)
Steve Hogarth