Madonna Quotes
Calling for US troops exit from Iraq: "I just don't want American troops to be in Iraq, period. My feelings are can we just all get out? Global terror is everywhere. Global terror is down the street, around the block. Global terror is in California. There's global terror everywhere and it's absurd to think you can get it by going to one country and dropping tons of bombs on innocent people."
"Well I didn't actually meet that many famous people and not so famous but we all have one thing in common, we want to create peace in the world."
On reports that a music video for her song, "American Life," carries a strong anti-war message: "I am not anti-Bush. I am not pro-Iraq. I am pro-peace. I have written a song and created a video which expresses my feelings about our culture and values and illusions of what many people believe is the American dream -- the perfect life."
"My priority is my family, absolutely, 100 percent."
"I'd like to be more involved in making the world a better place."
"I love living in England. I feel comfortable and safe here. I want my family to grow up here."
"People say, 'He turned my head.' My head spun around on my body!" [of husband Guy Ritchie]
"My daughter Lourdes and I, listen to Britney Spears songs together."
"I suppose I sometimes used to act like I wasn't a human being... Sometimes I look back at myself and remember things I used to say, or my hairstyle, and I cringe."
"Ah... zero." [on how she rates as a wife 1-10]
"There are moments when I can't believe I'm as old as I am. But I feel better physically than I did 10 years ago. I don't think, Oh God, I'm missing something."
"He's very relaxed at the table, throwing his salad around willy-nilly. I didn't find him stiff at all." [on Prince Charles]
"I am a survivor. I am like a cockroach, you just cant get rid of me."
About Britney Spears: "I love Britney. I want to do nothing but support her and praise her. ... I became obsessed with wearing Britney T-shirts. I slept in them, as well. It was like I felt it would bring me luck."