Lila McCann Quotes
Lila McCann Quotes
One of the hardest things was that I was on the road during the whole making of this record. So I would, you know, go into the studio for a couple days, do some music tracks, do some vocal tracks, go back out on the road for a week, come back in the studio for two days, and it was like back and forth, back and forth.
Lila McCann
I think for me the most amazing experience�and it is every time I go into the studio�is just to be in there when the music tracks are being laid down, and watch a song go from what it is on the demo to what it is on the record. Because usually it�s one of the most magical things, to see 6 or 7 people get together. And within 5 minutes they just have this amazing piece of music that they�ve kind of done themselves. And it�s just a really neat thing to be a part of.
Lila McCann