Kid Dynamite Quotes
Kid Dynamite Quotes
Well, the band has had many many lineup changes. As it stands now is how it will stand it will stay for the life of the band. The basic formula for a rewarding musical experience is playing with your friends. I played with Dave in Kid Dynamite. I became friends with Paul when KD used to play with Kill Your Idols a lot. I've known Colin for 10 years or so. This is the first version NMB that actually has chemistry.
Jason Shevchuk
It did nothing but help. People were instantly interested. It made it a lot easier, but we still have to work at it. There was an expectation in the beginning, we are well over that hump now. We can pretty much write whatever we want.
Jason Shevchuk
I was in film school while in KD. I put off school to tour. Now I finally struck a balance. I work for a company(doing TV commercials and promos) now that is very willing to let me go on tour. They value my talents and respect that....I'm currently in the process of starting my own company with some other coworkers of mine with a passion for documentary films.
Jason Shevchuk
Dave is vegan. The rest of us are Vegetarian. I'm the only one in the band that boozes. As for fans soaking up any positive message. I don't think we go out of way to convey a positive message. We just play rock and roll. It ends there. I'd rather people get inspired on there own, rather than letting a bunch of fools with guitars tell them what they should do.
Jason Shevchuk