Joss Stone Quotes
Joss Stone Quotes
“Someone needs to tell me where the money is, because I cannot find the shit.”
“I've got a checklist of things I want - including a Brit, a Grammy, an Oscar and a white poodle. Sometimes it gets lonely, and I want a baby too! I'm ticking things off the list.”
“I think winning three is a huge achievement. I think winning eight is a ridiculous thing. I can't imagine winning half a Grammy let alone three. She went through a lot, and everybody knew it. She's come back on top.”
“I think winning three is a huge achievement. I think winning eight is a ridiculous thing. I can't imagine winning half a Grammy let alone three. She went through a lot and everybody knew it. She's come back on top.”
“Well, I don't really understand how you can do that. Why not have a Chihuahua and a ferret? The more the merrier.”
“I didn't write those songs, but I can relate to every one of them... I have.”
“I'm supposed to be taking time off. But I'm still writing and I have this Gap advert lined up.”