Johnny Mandel Quotes
Johnny Mandel Quotes
My dad was in the garment business. My mom had ambitions to become an opera singer. But back then, in order to make it in the music business, you had to 300pxgarment_district_nywts sleep with the producer. She grew up in a Victorian era when nice girls just didn�t do that. So she gave up her ambition of becoming a professional singer. The result was she became very supportive of me when I wanted to become a musician.
Johnny Mandel
My dad owned a clothing company called Mandel & Cash. But he took a financial beating when the Depression hit in the early 1930s. Then Roosevelt's New Deal forced Hawaiipalmtree him to hire a lot of people he didn�t need or use. So in 1934, my dad finally said to hell with it and closed up shop. He had been to California on a visit years earlier and loved it. He wanted to retire there. So we moved.
Johnny Mandel