Jennifer Lopez Quotes :
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Jennifer Lopez Quotes

On people's intense interest in her personal life: "It's funny how people will look at you and wonder whether you're doing the wrong thing!"
On people's intense interest in her personal life: "Living your life in public is a weird thing because people feel they have a right to judge what you do. I think, if you turn the media spotlight on any random person, they would have the same kinds of things going on in their lives, but mine would wind up on the front page."
On being compared to the oft-wedded Elizabeth Taylor: “I'm not mad if people call me the modern-day Liz Taylor. We've all had a love of our life and failed love affairs. I'm just the biggest romantic — it's really sad. I tell people that but nobody listens. They're too busy writing about the thread count they think I demand."
"I still like Jennifer or Jenny. J.Lo just caught on. My mom has a problem with the J.Lo thing. I say, 'Mom, don't call me J.Lo.' It's like the other person. It's not me. It's the other celebrity person."
On an interview about Ben Affleck: “He's a really great person, a good person, in every sense of the word.�?
"I've been married twice and I've tried to make it work but I feel I haven't had a real marriage yet."
"It's like every day is the worst day of your life. And you're trapped and you're scared and you have to portray those emotions in every take and really take yourself to those places." (about her role as an abused wife in ENOUGH.
"Maybe I'll have something out by Christmas, maybe not. I don't know, I'm really trying to take my time and do what feels right." (about the next step in her music career)
"I wasn't the most popular girl in class, I had my friends, but I was comfortable with myself. There's always those most popular girls and I wasn't one of those."
"I am a die-hard romantic. I love all things romantic. Puffy understands that. For my last birthday, he covered my hotel room floor with rose petals and had flowers and candles all over the room. I love the idea of spending the whole day in bed with my lover. I'm very open with my love. I'm passionate and I feel a lot. I'm never afraid to get close to someone. I'm not afraid of love."
"I'm living the life I always dreamed of living. From the time I was a youngster I wanted to be a celebrity. It's a great life. The only bad thing is that people are more interested in your personal life than they are in your work and it's freaky"
"When I see Puff in a video kissing someone, it's freaky and I know it's freaky for him to see me do a movie love scene, but as far as him forbidding me to do them, that's bull."
"I swear to God, I don't remember anything [Gwyneth Paltrow] was in. Some people get hot by association. I heard more about her and Brad Pitt and I ever heard about her work." Movieline.
"Do I think she's a great performer? Yes. Do I think she's a great actress? No." [on Madonna] Movieline.
"He wouldn't talk to me for two months. I was like, 'What an ass**le.' Actors are used to getting their way and to treating women like objects. "[on Wesley Snipes after she reports he made unreturned passes at her]
"In Hollywood, she's revered, she gets nominated for Oscars, but I've never heard anyone in the public or among my friends say, 'Oh, I love her.'" [on Winona Ryder] Movieline.
"It makes me laugh when she says she got offered Selena, which was an outright lie. If that's what she does to get herself publicity than that's her thing." [on Salma Hayek]
"A lucky model who's been given a lot of opportunities I just wish she would have done more with." [on Cameron Diaz]
"My parents wanted me to be a lawyer. But I don't think I would have been very happy. I'd be in front of the jury singing."

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