Janie Fricke Quotes
Janie Fricke Quotes
With computers now you can do anything. People can find you anywhere. It makes it pretty handy to sell our product either over Janiefrickie.com, right over the webpage; people can order our newest and latest. Then when we play our concerts we also tell the folks in the audience to check with this for our schedule. It’s pretty well handled now. The news is out there and accessible to anybody who really wants to find it.
Janie Fricke
I don’t know how normal that is or not. But, I became known with the studio people in Nashville because of doing a lot of studio work and back-up singing and commercials. I became acquainted with all the major producers, which I had a plus in that field. So then when I was ready to start recording and the record label came after me and persuaded me to sign a contract and start recording, everybody already knew my name ‘cause they had used me on sessions to back up their artists. So, I already knew the major producers and I was right in the center of everything happening in Nashville at that time.
Janie Fricke