"How do you convince the fundamentalists that they're wrong, at one stage one is going to kill the other? We're living in an age with access to much enlightenment but we're still too stupid to pick up the pieces. What breaks my heart is you rationalise until you're blue in the face and they'll call you a heretic and four years later they'll say you were right. But it's too late. A lot of people are dead. Once blood's spilled you can't go backwards. I was astounded by the deafening silence from the music community during that process"
James Blundell
"The others were saying you have to stand and deliver. But we've woken up in this country, we're an egalitarian society. The national psyche has developed more rapidly in last five or six years than in the 30 years preceding it. We realise we're not fucked up but a lot of other countries are. I love living here - so glad we live on a big island because it's turning to shit everywhere else."
James Blundell
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