Human Waste Project Quotes
Human Waste Project Quotes
My old band, Scott (Ellis-drums) and I used to be in Human Waste Project, we used to play around LA with Sugar Ray all the time and Jamie (Miller-guitars, synthesizers and vocals) was in Snot and their first tour was coincidentally with Sugar Ray. So it all just keeps unfolding. I mean that and the efforts of our record label and management company getting together and saying “Look, this is a good thing.” And then Mark (McGrath-Sugar Ray front man) basically called and said “We’re taking theStart, okay?”
Aimee Echo
I think that with Human Waste Project we weren’t a metal band. We had some crunchy guitars, but it was more of an art experiment than anything else. We had a lot of friends that were in heavy bands and that’s how we got into that whole scene. So for me, all that’s different is that we really paid attention to song structure whereas with Human Waste Project sometimes we were striving to be experimental and it ended up somewhat…(laughs) progressive. With this one we went back to the birth of rock and studied how a lot of the songwriting…we listened to a lot of Beatles and paid attention to the craft of songwriting and just tried to…we did make a conscious effort to stay away from the crunchy “chunka chunka” guitars.
Aimee Echo