H.N.A.S. Quotes
H.N.A.S. Quotes
My impression is that the Japanese "noise" scene falls into several groups and individuals who are doing their work for very different reasons. Japanese "noise" artists are driven by a wide range of different motives and inspirations... from social comment, parody, and conceptual art in-between. Whether it has anything to do with music or not depends on your perception of that term. Perhaps the interest in Japanese "noise" music is based on the consequence with which these people pursue their interest and obsession. This consequence seems characterized by a two-dimensional quality that appears incomprehensive to the Western mind.
Christoph Heemann
Although there are preferred sounds and styles, at this point I'm finding interesting ideas and enjoyment in music from many different periods; a lot of it inspires me indirectly. I listen to Guillaume De Machaut, Stravinsky, Eric Dolphy, Royal Trux, or my favorite, Van Dyke Parks. It's always a similar thing that interests me. It seems that the composers in different times, and under different circumstances, had similar aims essentially. I'm really not interested in any period or style, to me it matters as to what the composer and musician communicates in the medium he chooses and how he communicates what he has to express.
Christoph Heemann