Highlord Quotes
Highlord Quotes
Well, I guess it’s a fantasy-fashioned thing coming from the first period of the band, when all the people involved (I wasn’t in the band at the time) were very much into role-playing games… but I think founding member Sted might answer better than I can. (Sted) yes, it was 1996 and we had to choose a nickname for the band…as you said we were deep into RPG games… especially DragonLance saga novels… so we took that word from one of the rulebooks… That’s all, really!
Andrea Marchisio
It generally starts with some guitar or keyboard riffs we develop when rehearsing, but sometimes a whole song comes out from a single mind, so all the others have to do is studying their parts from the midi file (that is a working process we use very often) and put the whole together during the rehearsing sessions. Oh, and of course after this the lyrics with the vocal parts come out: when I joined the band, Sted and Alex wrote the lyrics as well, but I managed to find my space in this process through the years!
Andrea Marchisio
Everything can be a source of inspiration for the lyrics… at the beginning, Highlord was much more into a fantasy/power concept, but the band managed to find its personal identity even from a lyrical point of view. Our songs can be about personal experiences or “philosophical thinking”, ahahah… like looking at ourselves in our mirrors within!
Andrea Marchisio