Helix Quotes
Helix Quotes
Helix is always the sum of our parts. You are only as strong as your weakest link. The line-up that people remember as being the "original Helix" (Daryl, Brent, Paul, Fritz, and myself) was really only together for 5 years in the band's 31 year history! I tell people we have had many different members in the band but only one captain.
Brian Vollmer
When Paul was killed we had nothing else written so we thought that perhaps this was the direction the band should take as we were getting older and gravitating towards other music besides metal. In retrospect it was a bad move, but you learn by your mistakes and move on. It's a shame that this album was "wasted" because there are many very good songs on it. It just shouldn't have been called "Helix" is all...
Brian Vollmer