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Helheim Quotes

Helheim Quotes

This term is very interesting for us, and it is also pre-historic and highly connected with our fatherland, Norway. In our first demo named "Helheim" (no longer available) we had an image based on witches, but we found Norse mythology much more interesting.

We will let people know about the true Helheim, namely US. Yes, mistakes have occurred, but nothing that affects us badly. Helheim is taken from the Norse mythology and it consists of 9 realms, it's the realm of the dead. The name fits us perfectly, and it has a good sound to it, if you know what I mean.

We wanted a more majestic sound combined with music. More melody lines with calmness, mixed with Helheim's pure brutality. Also more Heavy Metal-ish riffs were added to make the variation satisfying. 

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