Havohej Quotes
Havohej Quotes
I don't follow any form of religious satanism as I am opposed to all forms of organised religion including the Church Of Satan
Paul Ledney
"Well, me and Aragon used to be in INCANTATION with John McEntee and our other guitarist Brett, who played on the "Weeping In Heaven" EP. We just had different ideas about wearing make up and to try and be the blackest band. And McEntee didn't want it. He didn't really know anything about the occult or anything. He just wanted to play brutal music. So we just stopped calling him. INCANTATION was our name. He never asked us if he could use the name. He just reformed behind our backs. I had already had the PROFANATICA logo and concept ready. So we started it in June '90, a week after we dumped John. I played drums and sang, Aragon played bass and Brett did guitar. We did the first demo which was called "Putrescence Of..." in June '90.
Paul Ledney
"Probably I think the most brutal band is IMPALED NAZARENE. Because they play good. And it's so aggressive. The bands from Norway I think are kinda a joke. Anyone can take a lot of drugs and put on make-up, that's what I think."
Paul Ledney