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Hard Stuff Quotes

Hard Stuff Quotes

My Musician Union listing is "Bass Guitar, Guitar, Vocal", but I guess I started as a bass player who sang a bit. When I started in THE CASSANOVAS, Cass the main singer and rhythm guitarist left the group, so I and the drummer John Hutchinson were then the lead singers. The remaining trio became THE BIG THREE featuring Adrian Barber on guitar. This went on until we were signed by NEMS at the suggestion of John Lennon, as we were a favourite of his.
John Gustafson

QUATERMASS split in 1970 due to lack of financial support and poor record company backing.
John Gustafson

BULLET was the first name of HARD STUFF, we had to change it because of an American band of the same name. DAEMON, as far as I know, is HARD STUFF and is something to do with John Cann. I had nothing to do with it!
John Gustafson

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