The Handsome Family Quotes
The Handsome Family Quotes
Well, no, not really. It's just kind of a stupid name. We used to have this really obnoxious drummer, and he used to call me 'Handsome', that was his nickname for me, I think for sarcastic reasons... And he wanted to call it the Handsome family because it sounded like... I guess he did think it sounded kind of like the Manson family, and the Carter family - and we thought it was funny, too. We thought it was a good name. I like the word 'handsome', because it's like, it's kind of an archaic English word - it's like... The word 'handsome' comes from - see I looked this up last year, because I started wondering, what about this word, 'handsome'? It's like, 'toothsome'. It's like 'handsome' originally meant something that was maleable and easy to manipulate with your hands. How it got from that to 'good looking', I don't know. That's a weird one. I'll have to look into that one next.
Brett Sparks
So yeah, we're not the original Handsome Family. The original Handsome Family was me, and these two other guys, who were kind of punk rockers, and Rennie.
Brett Sparks
My love for early music probably started with stuff in the thirteenth century before stuff from the 20s. And I find music just almost like another language, in its approach. I like renaissance music, I like medieval music, I like this weird 'Americana', as Greil Marcus would call it, you know? It's just extraordinary, it's different, it resonates, you know. It's fascinating. I don't know. I don't sit down and say, "I'm going to write a folk song, or a country song, what ever," I just sit down at a piano and start writing songs!
Brett Sparks