Felix Cavaliere Quotes
Felix Cavaliere Quotes
That's pretty much where all this started. It was up there. I put a band together. We did the fraternity parties. We left for the Summer to do the Catskills Mountains and actually the whole band left. (laughs) But, it ended up that most of 'em went back to school. Curiously, another guy in the band also had some success with The Blues Magoos. So, we had a pretty good team going there.
Felix Cavaliere
We would open for The Beatles if I remember correctly. It would be in certain places, like we did it in Scandinavia and as I say, in Germany. But, it was a madhouse. I remember it being like a real interesting scene, 'cause everybody was screaming and hollering. I didn't know what was going on. Come to find out later, that was The Beatles. They meant nothing to me then 'cause I never heard of them. So, it was pretty interesting.
Felix Cavaliere
Basically, I was working for the Robert Kennedy campaign. The sequence of events that took place, obviously the first was Martin Luther King's death. Second was Robert Kennedy's assassination. So there was a woman that got me involved with the whole Kennedy people. She was there when he was assassinated. As a matter of fact, I was in Jamaica on a vacation. She called me up and told me this and was hysterical. I don't think she's ever recovered from it. Everybody was so wrapped up in the moment and all of a sudden - Bang! Interesting that that event may have some bearing on what's happening in our world today. That (song) was a real conscious effort to get a point across that was burning inside of me. And again, I collaborated with Eddie on that. But on that one, the majority of the lyric is mine. You kind of mix and match. The statement was just burning inside and had to come out. A very important song.
Felix Cavaliere