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Die Toten Hosen Quotes

Die Toten Hosen Quotes

Tote Hose is an expression among young people in Germany, which means something like nothing is going on, beeing boring, bad in bed etc. Literally you would translate it with the dead trousers. We choose this name because when we started the band, we did not know, how to play our instruments very well.
Die Toten Hosen

Bands like The Ramones, Johny Thunders, The Clash, 999, The Damned etc. were very important for us. We were fans of their music, felt as a part of the Punk Rock movement and tried to play this kind of music in the bands we had even before Die Toten Hosen started.
Die Toten Hosen

Punk Rock was a movement in the late 70ties as a reaction to things going on in politics, society and music. Punk Rock as a movement only existed for a very short time, but its influence is still important until today. Certainly, we were influenced by Punk Rock ideology and many things of it are still important for us, e. g. we try to keep the prices for our tickets as cheap as possible or when we make a new album we rather put on 18 new songs instead of 10 or 12. Though we don't use the term Punk Rock anymore to describe our music, of course it is still important as an attitude and a way of life to many people.
Die Toten Hosen

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