Crosby & Nash Quotes
Crosby & Nash Quotes
Describing Woodstock as the "big bang," I think that's a great way to describe it, because the important thing about it wasn't how many people were there or that it was a lot of truly wonderful music that got played.
David Crosby
I am having so much fun performing, I feel almost guilty. I think, my God, I hope no one comes and busts me for this.
David Crosby
My father being in the movie business, I thought being an actor would be great. But when I started singing to people in coffeehouses, you know, singing folk music and then, later, singing songs that I started to write myself, I felt more than an affinity for it.
David Crosby
Now record companies are run by lawyers and accountants. The shift from the one to the other was definitely related to when the takes started to get big.
David Crosby
When did I decide to go into business? Well, it wasn't a business, when I decided. It was simply a need to sing.
David Crosby
When it all started, record companies - and there were many of them, and this was a good thing - were run by people who loved records, people like Ahmet Ertegun, who ran Atlantic Records, who were record collectors. They got in it because they loved music.
David Crosby
Being in a different band always brings great musical experiences to be able to draw on.
Graham Nash
Generally, my writing is influenced by living, by absorbing everything that happens to me and my actions.
Graham Nash
I realized at one point that David and I had not made a record together in almost 26 years and I thought that that was absurd because, first of all it had gone so fast, I didn't really realize, neither did David, that it had been that long.
Graham Nash
I think Stills has been playing better than ever. I know a lot of it sounds self-serving, but he truly has.
Graham Nash
I wasn't thinking of the longevity of any of my songs, but I am extremely pleased with the lasting effect.
Graham Nash
If I read or listened to critics of our music, I'd have been discouraged a long time ago.
Graham Nash
It was very important in the beginning, because we'd all come out of bands that were the Buffalo Springfield, the Hollies.
Graham Nash
Just with the basic one guitar, one piano and one vocal and an audience, I think that the intimacy comes through more. People feel much more connected to the song because there's nothing in the way, and I actually enjoy doing that.
Graham Nash
There are always new things to experience, internalize then write about. This process is ongoing with me. It never stops. The opportunity to reach new audiences with all of the music that we have made is thrilling.
Graham Nash
We only had enough money really to cut 10 things and be in there for a month because it's expensive, you know. And, singer/songwriters, today are lucky if they can get a deal, you know. So, we actually worked so fast that we really cut 20 things.
Graham Nash
When I was born in 1942, World War II was still going. And I began to realize when I became a young adult that if we don't teach our kids a better way of relating to their fellow human beings, the very future of humanity on the planet is in jeopardy.
Graham Nash
With Crosby, Stills, and Nash and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young... we're very strong individuals, and we want our lives to be led the way we want them to.
Graham Nash