Chaos U.K. Quotes
Chaos U.K. Quotes
Japanese punk scene is very good at the moment and has been for a few years now, most Japanese bands play hardcore and are very good at it, although there is the odd band who like to play "pop punk" (namely Laughing Nose, a band from Tokyo) a bit like Toy Dolls, etc. Most punks in Tokyo used to like them before they started to commercialize their records, Japanese punks aren't the mindless Exploited punks that some people might like to tell you.
I must say it is very hard to be a vegetarian in Japan, although I do eat fish which made it a bit easier, although fish in Japan takes in everything from raw cod to shark (which is really nice). I eat a lot of noodles usually from machines, "pot noodles machines!", which you can find all over Japan in the streets on most corners, everywhere you go in Japan you find vending machines which are never vandalized. You can also get beer till midnight in Tokyo & anytime in Osaka from vending machines, also dirty books which Chaos was very interested in... um!