Bun-B Quotes
Bun-B Quotes
I don�t make my music for just me or a few people. Hopefully everybody that makes music wants to be embraced by the people they tryna make it for, you know what I�m saying. It�s just a matter of time before everybody gets the message that I�m tryna send out.
Well I think the problem is, is that�what people don�t realize is they�re gonna get away from the people that they�re marketing with now. They�re tryna change everything about the format of the NBA, the imaging and everything. This is more about control you know what I�m saying? This has nothing to do with clothing. This is a control issue.
It had no affect on me whatsoever. Um� I consider Jay a very good friend of mine. I also consider Dame and Biggs very good friends of mine. With me not being a Roc-A-Fella artist, with me just being a friend of both and not being tied to them in the Roc-A-Fella situation, I was still able to maintain personal relationships with both of em.
Everybody has they�re own audience you know what I�m saying. I write rhymes and make music for the people that I fell wanna hear my music. They write rhymes and make music for the people they feel wanna hear they�re music.