Buckcherry Quotes
Buckcherry Quotes
On the West coast there is not a lot of rock ‘n’ roll stations, so we do much better on the East coast. It’s been a top market for us, for a long time. There is only one rock station here and it’s KROQ and they don’t really play a lot of rock ‘n’ roll, But playing back here has been a lot of fun, this is where we’re from.
Josh Todd
We write songs all sorts of ways. Sometimes he’ll send me a riff and I’ll take it home, write a melody and sometimes it’s the other way around, I’ll say ‘hey – I only have a chorus’ and he’ll finish the song musically, and we'll just go back and forth like that. There’s a lot of different ways I guess. We also write with all the others guys in the band
Josh Todd
I was always happy, it just got to the point where were weren’t getting along so well. We had to take our little hiatus.
Josh Todd
"It’s really cool to meet new people and be in different places and be in a town you’ve never been before and the kids are singing the lyrics to the songs that aren’t on the radio, and that’s really cool."
Cocaine hasn’t been that popular in a long time. I mean crystal meth kinda screwed up the whole coke market cause it’s cheaper and you stay up longer.
Josh Todd
It does bring out some really crazy girls. They come up to you with psychotic eyes, they want to act out that song with you, and you know, it’s just funny. Or they will, like, hug me and start scratching my back and I’ll be like ‘hey, woah, what are you doing?’ like I’m all about it, all the time or something.
Josh Todd