The Bravery Quotes
The Bravery Quotes
It's weird because everyone talks about the New York scene, but every band sounds different. I think it's the cold weather and that's why bands just stay in all the time and rehearse. In America New York has this spirit about it of total freedom. It's been that way for generations and it's something in the air that you just can't explain. At the same time that the UK looks over to New York as being cool, we're looking over to London, Manchester and the whole of the UK as this really cool place.
I played drums for a while with friends in Boston, but they were always the bands that never got out of the rehearsal room. It was more about being friends together than anything serious.
Anthony (regarding time before The Bravery)
It's weird. I wasn't actually in New York at the time. I was in DC which was also part of the 9/11 attacks. I think in Sam's mind he felt the need to do something. The feeling for him was one of anxiety of life and especially at that age, it's a big part of who you are.
I had heard a couple of Smiths records before, but the only time we'd heard the Cure was after we'd recorded the album and everyone kept mentioning them. I can see where people are coming from with the electronics. I think it's probably cos we were trying to record it so cheaply that it ended up sounding like that