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Boy Sets Fire Quotes
Boy Sets Fire Quotes I'm personally against the death penalty, I have the debate all the time with my dad about how if I'm against the death penalty, then I want to support all the people on Death row. I feel that's not the problem, we need to reform and work to prevent people from committing crimes that way we never have to take the step of putting someone in prison. Rob The only thing I can add is, if you want to get in touch with us, our post office box is PO Box 303, Newark, Delaware 19711 or you can see us on the web at [] Nathan Most people are really into it because of that. You have some people who won't like it no matter what. But most people like it because of that. It's cool because we don't know how else to do it. We are musically schitzophrenic. You've got so many influences in this band, that it's impossible to put just one thing down. You've got hardcore, metal, pop, alt, punk, just all kinds of influences going on. Nathan Most of the stuff is straight up what we do with this band. In our albums we makes sure we inform peopleof things that are out there. When we're on tour and there is a chapter of refuse and resist out there, we work with them to put out flyers and pamphlets. Josh and I are both members of the Communist Party in the US. Other than that a lot of this stuff happens with this band, and one of the reasons behind that is because you can get a pamphlet and read it, and you forget about it, but if you makes a song with a message, and they can get stuck in peoples heads, then you've got something, they have to think about them. Nathan ( Click on button to post an update to this information )
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