Averse Sefira Quotes
Averse Sefira Quotes
The choice of the name came as one of those happy accidents in life, the ones that seem like they could be important, and then ultimately turn out to be one of the best things to happen. In the Q'uaballah there are twenty angels emanating out of the right and left hand of god. They are the Sefiroth. Sefira is the singular of this word, and an AVERSE SEFIRA would be one such of the unholy. We have taken these angels and extrapolated them as narrative vehicles for our tales of mythic irony.
Sanguine Mapsama
Christianity is a crutch for people who are too weak and afraid to take control of their own lives. As I said above, they are some of the most vicious, petty and evil creatures to plague this land. It is like a virus, a socially transmitted disease.
Sanguine Mapsama