Audio Karate Quotes
Audio Karate Quotes
We stole ourr name from a comment made in an interview by a member of the band No Knife
Touring. We wrote Space Camp without touring anywhere further than 8 hours from LA. Then we put out Space Camp and for two years just tour like psychos and go around the world a couple times and play to millionsof faces like the Bon Jovi song. That manifested itself on Lady Melody.
We're a pretty minimalist band. We don't pack much for anything but I am certain to never forget my laptop and some balance bars and some weights. Books are important to bring too. These answers suck I suppose. Touring is great, we've gotten to the point where if we didn't ppack anything I think we'd still make entire tours just fine.
When I was going to shows many moons ago, it seemed as though everyone was there because they actually listened to these bands and wanted to hear a band rock, not watch some long haired kid swing a mic. Too many kids show up, dressed to a T, don't watch let alone listen to any of the bands, play grabass with their friends and then leave. And thats cool if you want to do that, but you know, listening to music is listening you know?